community welfare activities, volunteering, new methods of philanthropy and social responsibility, searching for examples of good practice and their implementation;
study and practical application of Christian social doctrine, interreligious and intercultural dialogue;
activities of churches, orders, congregations and other church-established institutions;
strengthening of Moravian regional identity within the context of European integration intensification, international cooperation and development assistance;
deepening of partnerships between Moravian regions and the Principality of Liechtenstein;
safety of population, enhancement of prestige of the allied Armies and fulfilment of obligations within NATO;
development of civil society, statecraft, activities of free media, protection of human rights and religious freedoms;
development of tourism, exhibitions and regional traditions;
living cultures, maintenance and restoration of monuments, history and art;
architecture, design, urban planning, transport, urban and regional development;
sustainable development, protection of environment, promotion of principals of circular economy, agriculture and winery;
science, research, innovation and industry, education and internships;
leisure activities, physical education, sports a prevention of social-pathological phenomena;
personal development, improvement of family climate, intergenerational coexistence, harmonization between family and work lives;
humanitarian and charitable aid, activities of hospices, social housing, social and health care.